Saturday, November 11, 2017

How Many Exposures to Learn New Words?

Learn English fast listening playlists   Right  Let's begin
How many repetitions to learn a new word?
Check out the best way to remember vocabulary and definitions
and how to memorize English words meaning easily

Repeat  Mp3 twice without falling into the loop 
This task can be done by using Playlists  [ .m3u Files ]

You can make your own with VLC Player

But if you want to make it simple, just use
the Playlists already made for Windows & Android
This is a great resource to understand English
You'll be hearing the same word twice before jumping the next

Take care to select just One android player like jetAudio Plus only
for 1redenglish folder   What's the reason?    There are 32 Playlists,
and more of 5080 mp3 files
So, if you choose your favorite player to do that, it will mix
with the new files

In windows, the Windows Media Player is good for it

This is the Loop Method
Marveled at its beauty, its geniusBillions of people
just living out their lives   Oblivious ---

How to make playlists work?

Default folder for the ''.m3u '' files [ Playlist format ] is ''1redenglish''
and the Path is ''C:\''
So, you have to create a New Folder and rename it as '' 1redenglish '' without quotes in C: \
and copy all the sub-folders within this

If you want another location in your laptop or Mac
 just replace the original '' Path '' for which you want
Two Examples

C:\Users\My user name\   

How ...... ?       With an Text Editor such Notepad++  and its
'' Replace'' tool   Just open your .m3u files with this and hit '' Control + H ''

Find what :          C:\
Replace with :     C:\Users\My user name\

Be sure to check the  ''Match case'' box then hit ''Replace All
in All Opened Documents''   then '' Save All '' and you are done

C:\Users\My user name\1redenglish\1\absolve.mp3         